Where to begin with my journey?
You could say that I’ve always been intuitive, but then, I believe we all are. It’s whether we choose to use it or not. Unfortunately, at a very young age, around 4-5, a veil comes down over us, and we lose our connection with God/Source/Divine/Universe.
When I was a young teen, I remember having an experience of being above my body. At the time I considered it a normal thing that happened to everyone. In my late teens, I started to have visions, like movies in my mind of a very close friend. I could see what she was doing and where she was. When I told my friend what I saw, she said, how did you know I was there? I couldn’t explain it, I could just see this movie in my mind but with my eyes open. It was scary, so I approached my youth pastor hoping to get some understanding. Instead, I was told that it was demonic and to ask God to stop me from seeing these images. So, it stopped.
Fast forward to the age of 22 and engaged to a wonderful man. The visions start coming back. They weren’t about anything, in particular, more about people I’d never seen before getting into accidents or dying. I attributed these visions to the ‘awakening’ in my root chakra and sexual chakra. Again, I asked for it to stop and it did.
Continuing on through the years, I found that I was able to finish peoples thoughts, be an amazing listener, guide people by just speaking from my heart, trusting my ‘gut’ and have the understanding that I was provided for. My cousin, who is psychic, predicted I would be doing this. I just brushed her off and thought whatever, that’s crazy. I can’t do what she does.
Fast forward again to 2008. A friend of mine opened a wonderful space, called the Spark Centre, which offered yoga, osteopath treatments, energy work, NIA, and creative workshops. At the Spark Centre, I met a wonderful Chinese Medicine Doctor who helped to awaken me to my true calling – to help heal others and teach people to heal themselves.
I include the following in my holistic healing practices: Various energy modalities, Spiritual Healing, intuitive Counselling, Mediumship, Angel Therapist Practitioner®, Past Life Reader and Regression, Hypnotherapist (Certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD)
I’m so blessed and grateful to each person that has come along for the ride on my journey. I look forward to seeing what the rest of my journey has to bring.